Dear friends this is an incredible video made in China for the Shaver . It is the first time that I see this . I could not do better. It is amazing and very clear. I hope that will be useful for all surgeon using the Shaver around the world. Enjoy Giuseppe Bigatti, MDDepartment of Obstetric and Gynaecology, Ospedale Maggiore di Crema – ASST Crema. Developer...
Read MorePresently, the double-flow bipolar resectoscope is still considered the gold standard technique to perform major hysteroscopic operations. Since 2009 We have proposed an alternative approach to operative hysteroscopy called Intrauterine Bigatti Shaver (IBS®) that, by removing the tissue chips at the same time as their resection, improves visualization during the...
Read MoreDr Giuseppe Bigatti On September 4th we performed the first case with the 19Fr Shaver. The quality is excellent, no need of cervical dilatation, almost 2,5 mm less than the 24Fr Shaver. The second video shows the case also performed with the 19Fr Shaver. Although the Mini Shaver is still a prototype the quality is great. Also in this case there was no need of...
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