Dr Giuseppe Bigatti
On September 4th we performed the first case with the 19Fr Shaver. The quality is excellent, no need of cervical dilatation, almost 2,5 mm less than the 24Fr Shaver.
The second video shows the case also performed with the 19Fr Shaver. Although the Mini Shaver is still a prototype the quality is great. Also in this case there was no need of cervical dilatation and the cervical stenosis was bypassed by the use of microforceps. The high visibility makes the difference.
Department of Obstetric and Gynaecology, Ospedale Maggiore di Crema – ASST Crema.
Developer of IBS® – Intrauterine Bigatti Shaver
Tutor at international laparoscopic and hysteroscopic courses
Hi Giuseppe
Could you please comment on the info pressure needed to perform the shaver technique with A: the large barrel shaver and B: the small barrel shaver. I do use the E.A.S.I. pumps and found that with the normal barrel the restauration of the distension of the cavity is quite slow or does not allow for rapid restarting the procedure. There is also the aspiration pressure. Could you please comment or indicate alternative techniques.
Bruno, I confirm what Giuseppe said.. I recently got the approval from him to modify the pump in order to get major improvements in the use of his shaver. Regarding the 19 fr. it is still a prototype and therefore its fluidodynamic data need to be implemented in a new version of the EASI firmware that will be released around April / May, together with other major improvements. Best regards to all of you
Please do indicate the pressures you use with the small barrel macerator. I do work with the E.A.S.I. pump and here I have problems as the pump does not respond quickly to the morcellator when active.
Can you comment.
The Intrauterine Pressure of the EASI pump is 90mm/Hg and the aspiration is 180 ml/mi. For myoma resection you need more aspiration and you can reach 300 ml/min al least. In this case you might loose visibility with collapse of the uterine cavity. The present problem of the EASI pump is a lack of speed in regaining the intrauterine pressure which might impair visibility due to bleeding. At present we are working to improve the EASI software to by pass this problem.
The best engine set up is 2100 rm/ minute (Rotations per minute).
Hi Guiseppe, Thanks a lot for this clarifications!!!
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