Following the elimination of the intracavitary component using the traditional resectoscopic „slicing“ technique with a monopolar or bipolar current, the intramural component gets removed by using cold loops by exercising force in the cleavage space between the myoma and the surrounding myometrium to separate the myoma from the uterine wall. Thus, the intramural...
Read MoreENG: Resection of a deeply intramural large G2 myoma, looking like a G0 myoma at hysteroscopy, by using the Karl Storz 15 Fr. MiniResectoscope ITA: Resezione di un voluminoso mioma G2, che appare come un G0 all’isteroscopia, usando il nuovo miniResettore da 15 Fr. della Karl Storz Stefano Bettochi, MD, Prof.Director University Bari,...
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